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德吉林卡营地是完代克 (Wandhikhar) 的智慧结晶,也是他在土木和建筑设计方面惊人天赋的体现。他是一个土生土长的藏族人,他自己设计并建造了整个度假村,这项建筑工作他花了两年时间才完成,于2019年6月开业。



The Nirvana Resort is the brain child of Wandhikhar, a native Tibetan with an incredible talent for carpentry and architectural design. He designed and built the whole resort himself, a job that took him 2 years to complete.
The Nirvana Resort opened in June 2019.

Wandhikhar is dedicated to providing stable jobs for the Tibetan nomad staff he employs. He makes sure he creates a sustainable and environmentally friendly resort in order to keep the Sangke grasslands as absolutely stunning as they now are.

He also created the " Nirvana Hotel, Restaurant & Bar"  in Xiahe town, a stunning boutique hotel with an excellent restaurant, boasting a successful 9 year history. 

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